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Islamophobia: ISIS's Greatest Advantage

I want to talk to you about how the Western world's (primarily America's) growing Islamaphobia is doing more help than harm to ISIS. But before I do that, I want to explain some things you might not now. Before we talk about ISIS and its terrorism, I want us all to be on the same page about what Islam is, and what ISIS is.

     If you don't feel like you need to read up on that, or if you just want me to get to the point, then use the little menu on the side to choose where to go on this page. If you skip straight down to TL;DR, you won't hurt my feelings. Promise.



What is Islam?

     Islam is a monotheistic religion, meaning it is a religion based on beliefs of one god. Compared to Judaism and Christianity, it's relatively new, but not very. It began to develop in the Middle East in the 7th century: The Islamic faith is based on the teachings of Muhammad, said to be God's last prophet, and he started preaching around 610 A.D. Muhammad preached that this religion he was talking about was the true religion of Abraham.

     The Islamic faith has many different sects, but there are about six beliefs that are held by all Muslims. These beliefs are:

1. Belief in the Oneness of God: Muslims believe that God is the creator of all things, and that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. God has no offspring, no race, no gender, no body, and is unaffected by the characteristics of human life.

2. Belief in the Angels of God: Muslims believe in angels, unseen beings who worship God and carry out God's orders throughout the universe. The angel Gabriel brought the divine revelation to the prophets.

3. Belief in the Books of God: Muslims believe that God revealed holy books or scriptures to a number of God's messengers. These include the Quran (given to Muhammad), the Torah (given to Moses), the Gospel (given to Jesus), the Psalms (given to David), and the Scrolls (given to Abraham). Muslims believe that these earlier scriptures in their original form were divinely revealed, but that only the Quran remains as it was first revealed to the prophet Muhammad.

4.Belief in the Prophets or Messengers of God : Muslims believe that God's guidance has been revealed to humankind through specially appointed messengers, or prophets, throughout history, beginning with the first man, Adam, who is considered the first prophet. Twenty-five of these prophetsare mentioned by name in the Quran, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last in this line of prophets, sent for all humankind with the message of Islam.


5. Belief in the Day of Judgment: Muslims believe that on the Day of Judgment, humans will be judged for their actions in this life; those who followed God's guidance will be rewarded with paradise; those who rejected God's guidance will be punished with hell.

6. Belief in the Divine Decree: This article of faith addresses the question of God's will. It can be expressed as the belief that everything is governed by divine decree, namely that whatever happens in one's life is preordained, and that believers should respond to the good or bad that befalls them with thankfulness or patience. This concept does not negate the concept of "free will;" since humans do not have prior knowledge of God's decree, they do have freedom of choice.



     In addition to these core beliefs, there are also the Five Pillars of Islam. These are also core beliefs, and commandments for all Muslims to follow. 




















For more information, take a look at some of these links.

Compare & Contrast: Islam and Christianity

Compare & Contrast: Islam and Judaism 

Malala: The Muslim Girl who Stood Up for Education

Geographic Spread of Islam



What is ISIS?


Before I talk to you about how American Islamophobia actually benefits ISIS more than not, I want to talk to you about what ISIS (or ISIL, depending on which abbreviation you prefer. But for the sake of efficiency, I'm just going to say ISIS) is, and give you some broader information; because if we as a nation have an enemy, and we want to actively oppose the enemy, we need to be knowledgeable about it.

     If you don't know what ISIS is, or only have a sort of vague idea, don't worry. The information out there about it is vague, and usually not very accurate. It took me a lot of research just to get to the point where I can accurately describe some basic details about it. And because of the sketchiness of many sources of information regarding Islam, you will find a list of cited sources at the end of this article, to prove that the information I'm telling you is legitimate. So, let's begin.


     ISIS & ISIL -- Two names for the same group. Whether you want to refer to them as the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" or the "Islamic State of Iraq and Levant," they are the group of radical extremists, determined to make sure the entire world is ISIS controlled and "pure."

     Their ultimate goals are to be recognized as seperate from Al Qaeda, in addition to more Muslim; to raise the flag of Allah over Istanbul, after "liberating" the city; to publically execute all of the Muslims who are following the "wrong version" of Islam and similarly "cleanse" the areas they control of anyone and everyone who fails to subscribe to their beliefs, and gain the allegiance of Muslims all over the world-- all of them. (Er, well, the ones they haven't executed, at least.) And finally, the imposition of strict Sharia law.

    The implementation of Sharia law means the adoption of a literal (and majorly distorted...) interpretation of the Qur'an as national law. No rights for women, harsh consequences for misdemeanors, no freedom expression, and absolutely no criticizing the government. Speak out or deviate from this sect of Islam, and you will be killed.

     I think we can all agree that ISIS--and all terrorism, really--needs to be stopped, and fast. Nobody wants Islamic extremists coming into the country so they can repeat horrifying events like 9/11 or the Paris attacks. In addition, I think I speak for the vast majority of Americans when I say that we don't want Muslim youth to go and join ISIS either.

     So. What do we do? Well, let's ask America.

There should be a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.

               -- Donald Trump

There are about 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide.

      That's about 23% of the earth's population.

There are an estimated 2.6 million Muslims in the United States.

      That's about 0.8% of the total U.S. population.

       That's also about 0.016% of all Muslims.

Now, calculating the total number of terrorists is a little more difficult. Terrorist "groups" aren't even really groups, they're people who adopt a certain ideology. Finding how many members of Al Qaeda there are is like finding how many Catholics there are; but even more difficult because if you're someone who advocates for the bombing of civilians and the downfall of Western culture, you're probably not going to say so in a public poll.


However-- There are some numbers out there; people have still been able to get some numbers, even if they're a little vague. They're not concrete, they're more... carpet. Anyway. You get what I mean. Moving on.


There are 8 known and established Islamic terrorist groups around the world. They are Al Qaeda; ISIS; Boko Haram; Hamas; Hezbollah; Taliban; Lashkar-e-Taiba; and Al Shabab. There are said to be more, but they're all extremely small distant branches off of any of the seven above, and have never done anything significant. Now, let's look at some of our numbers.

Here's a list of the estimated member count of each group.


 Al Qaeda: 200-1,000 core members (Leaders, recruiters, militants, planners)

    -- Global

 ISIS: 20,000-31,500 members & fighters

    -- Global

 Boko Haram: Approximately 10,000 members & fighters.

    -- Nigeria, Cameroon

 Hamas: 200-400 active members

    -- West Bank, Gaza strip

 Hezbollah: Has teamed with Iran to create an army, numbering about 50,000

    -- Lebanon

 Taliban: 15,000-20,000

    -- Afghanistan and Pakistan

 Lashkar-e-Taiba: Around 10,000, but no more.

    -- Pakistan and India

 Al Shabaab: An estimated 200-500, possibly up to 1,000

    -- Somalia, Kenya, Uganda






Alright. So even going off of the higher estimates, that's about 123,900 Islamic terrorists worldwide.

So. 1.6 Billion Muslims, and 123,900 Muslim terrorists.

That means that 0.000077% of all the world's Muslims are terrorists.

If they all (God forbid) were in America, that would be almost half of one percent of our population.


There are barely enough Islamic terrorists in the world to build a small town. So, do we still think it's anything but xenophobic and Islamophobic to block all Muslims who are coming to America in desperate need of food and shelter?




Does it still make sense to turn someone away just because they're a Muslim? Does it still make sense to deport them, just because of their religion? Does it make sense to keep a registry of all Muslims and make them wear identification because of their religion? Does it make sense to bomb mosques, harass Muslim individuals, shame Muslim girls who wear Hijabs, make atrocious images like those shown above, or even just turn up our noses at the word "Islam"?

No! This paranoia of terrorists is rooted in our instinctual fear of people who are different from us. That is exactly the same mentality that fuels groups like the KKK and Arian Nations. Especially, it's what drives groups like ISIS and Al Quaeda and Al Shabaab and Boko Haram. 

Fearing people with different skin colors, religious beliefs, and cultural differences is arguably the root cause of all the world's most horrible tragedies.

The Holocaust.

The Crusades.


The genocide of millions of Native Americans.

Need I go on?



Let me tell you a little story.

  Once upon a time, I went to this itty bitty private Lutheran school. We wore uniforms, and had religion class every day. I started attending in fourth grade, and stayed until I graduated eighth grade and went on to public high school. Growing up in these religion classes, we were taught about Bible stories, some theology, some apologetics, and about how to talk about our faith. And in order to learn about how to discuss our faith, we had to talk about... ... ... ... ... *dramatic pause* ... ... Other religions! I know. It was scary.

But really- every time we mentioned another religion, we discussed it like it was some weird Aztec ritual and laughed at its absurdity.   Sometimes we rationalized other people's bad behaviour by saying that's what people can be like when they "don't worship the One True God." (Looking back, that sounds like something from a cult...) 

   By the time I was in sixth grade, "atheist" almost seemed like a swear word. "What? Who's an atheist? *gasp* They don't believe in God? That's so sad!" "LOL evolutionsists are SOO dumb." "Duh that should be national law. It's in the Bible." I couldn't even imagine someone who didn't believe in God. I didn't meet someone who was openly not-a-Christian until my freshman year of high school. So, can you imagine what a place like that thought of Islam? I was terrified of it! Really! I mean, atheists were one thing with their eternally-pesimistic views and constant raging about how much they hate the One True God, but Muslims? Oh, their religion advocated for the stoning of women! Beating of children! Murder of infadels! And worse, there were groups of especially evil Muslims that were out to destroy America! God, what could save us from this awful religion?


There's more to the story, but there are other pages dedicated to that. Long story short, I learned my lesson about being intolerant and stupid, and learned how to be a rational person, all without giving up on God. Yay!


See, people who grew up in traditionally Western homes, especially us middle-to-upper-class white Christian folk, have this knee-jerk reaction to things that contradict our own beliefs. Especially other religions, with particularly different customs. That's why it's so easy for us to rally around them as a common enemy. They're different. So they're scary. Just like the gays. And the Chinese. And the blacks. And the Indians. And the Mexicans. And the Native Americans. And the liberals. Need I continue? Well, I will anyway. Don't worry, I'm almost done.


Now, this part here is directed at the Christian folk out there. (Chill, I'm not about to bash your religion. That's what I'm against. Oh, and, I'm part of the same religion, too, so try to really hear me, okay?)


Imagine if you will, if it were Christian extremists who bombed Paris. Imagine if such atrocious things were done in the name of a God who we claim is loving and compassionate, enough so that he was crucified for our sake? That's heart-breaking. Now, imagine that in response to that, our politicians, our friends, the media, everyone was saying that Christianity is "like a cancer," (actual quote from a politician, not even exaggerating) and must be eradicated. Or that Christians shouldn't be allowed into the country. Or Christians should wear identification. And be kicked out of America. We would be furious at the persecution! And rightly so. We wouldn't hesitate to compare the behaviour of those people to Hitler. Because it really is ominously similar.


You might be inclined to argue that Christianity is different, that churches preach love and acceptance, and mosques preach Islamitization. Well... That's just not factual. Hateful Muslims are about as good a representation of Islam as the Westboro Baptist Church is  of Christianity. (If you don't know about the WBC and how crazy it is, click here to see their homepage.)


Al Quaeda hijacks planes, Christian extremists bomb Planned Parenthoods, the atheist Chinese government tries to ban religion... Every religion has those people who are not representative of the whole.
















Finally, my point. Why is Islamaphobia in America so beneficial to ISIS?


The answer is actually really simple. The message ISIS is preaching is that they will infiltrate and destroy America, and the West. They want us to be terrified of them. They use that fear as a tool to distract us, and to recruit. You've probably seen the news about Al Shabaab using a video of Trump to make some of their propoganda. If you haven't, well, Al Shabaab has used videos of Donald Trump to make some of their recruitment propoganda.


Not only that, but imagine yourself in the shoes of a young Muslim. You've grown up having to defend your religion-- you've had people right out ask you why your religion advocates for bombing innocent people. When you were a child, 9/11 happened, and you asked your parents if you should tell people you're not a Muslim anymore. Your siblings and children asked you the same question after the Paris attacks. Frontrunners for the highest office in the land are saying that people of your religion shouldn't be allowed in the country. If you're a woman, you're afraid to wear your hijab in public. You're afraid to go to your mosque for fear of harrassment or even your safety. You're afraid that someone will bomb your local mosque, just like the Parisian mosque that was bombed just weeks ago. Your friends have alienated you. You feel completely alone.

Then, this group comes along promising safety and acceptance. ISIS, Al Shabaab, Al Quaeda, whoever, is telling you that they would never belittle you or harm you the way the American government is. They tell you that this is where America is headed; that it will soon be a nation bent on oppressing and eradicating Islam, and it must be stopped. They say that if you fight for them, you and your family will be taken care of. If you strap on a bomb vest and blow yourself up with a bunch of Americans, you'll go to an honoured place in Heaven and your family will live in honour and wealth because you had the courage to martyr yourself. Suddenly, they don't look as bad. Especially if you're young, in your teens or even early twenties; which is the time in people's lives where acceptance and love matter most. You're angry at America, and so are they. And they have a "solution."


If we can't learn to accept the Muslim community, and recognize that Islam is not a religion of terrorism, but rather a religion some have twisted to justify their own terrorism, then we're dooming ourselves. We'll have given ISIS all the power and members they need.








TL;DR ~~

   Islamaphobia is alienating the Muslim community, encouraging Muslim youth and young adults to seek sympathy and acceptance in the arms of ISIS.

Well, okay then... Now that we've asked America, let's ask some facts and figures.

What is Islam?
What is ISIS?
Why is Islamaphobia helping them?
Why Islamaphobia is really dumb
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