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This is Me.

This is the page that's gonna basically explain who I am. Interested? Keep reading.



My name is Brynne, and I'm a senior in high school. I'm from the Midwest, so basically nowhere.


I'm musically inclined, and play the piano, Native American flute, and the clarinet. However, I really want to start learning how to play tenor sax. I sing some, but casually. No choir or anything.


I'm also into writing; as you can probably tell by checking out the writings page.  I write poems, short stories, and some opinion pieces about things that are important to me, as well as things that aren't super important but are just my musings.


I have a pug, Pebbles, and she's chubby, not very smart, smells bad, and snores. 100% of the time. And I love her very, very much. I also have a parakeet, Herculese (or Herky, for short), but he's sort of a grumpy little shit. 


My religious/spiritual beliefs are sort of unique. I refuse to call myself a Christian and thusly associate myself with the Church as a whole, because of the corruption and hypocrisy that permeates the entire institution. That being said, I absolutely believe in the God of the Bible, in Jesus as the Son of God, his crucifixion, and resurrection.

Because of this, I call myself a Messianic, meaning someone who believes in Jesus the Messiah. The Bible is the core of my faith, but I recognize that it's not a book authored by God and sent to man, it is a book written by men -- men inspired by God, yes, but still just men. I believe in following the example and teachings of Jesus first and the Old Testament laws last.


Politically, I'm really liberal, particularly when it comes to social issues. Raise the minimum wage, gay marriages for everyone, abortion on demand for free with no questions asked, gun control, weed, etc. etc.

   But on issues like foreign policy, my views tend to lean towards the Republicans, especially on how we should deal with Iran. (Not the part about "just bomb the hell out of it" though ._. We shouldn't do that.)


One of the reasons I'm online is, I'll be honest, I like to rant. I like having a place I can get on my soapbox; and have some people actually hear me. And at the same time, no one's forcing you to be here. If you don't want to read everything I've ever published, don't. Pretty simple, right?


Another reason I'm here, however, is to reach out to people. I want people to be able to learn from me, and feel comfortable reaching out to me. My number one goal is to be a positive light and example for anyone out there who visits my site, Twitter, Deviantart or YouTube. I answer all my DM's on Twitter (unless they're spam -.-), and if you go to the homepage, I get all of those messages and will definitely reply ASAP.


Well, that's pretty much all I got. Welcome, look around, read, talk to me, whatever. 










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